Marker Fusion Tracker iOS Tutorial
1. Overview
2. iOS Development
2.1 Create Instants
2.2 Start / Stop Tracker
2.3 Use Tracking Information
2.4 Set Target Marker
3. Reference
3.1 API Reference
3.2 Sample
1. Overview
Start developing MAXST ARSDK Marker Fusion Tracker on iOS Platform. Refer to Marker Tracker Introduction for detailed information.
By recognizing and tracking the provided markers, you can augment images, 3D objects or videos especially when there are plenty of targets. 8,192 Markers will be provided which were developed by MAXST itself.
Refer to Tracker Coordinate System to better understand 3D coordinate system of Marker Fusion Tracker.
After target recognition and initial poses are acquired through the MAXST SDK, use AR Core/AR Kit for tracking.
※To use the AR Kit, you must enter the actual size. (See Start / Stop Tracker)
| Prerequisites |
|--------------------------------------- |
|Marker Tracker Introduction|
| Marker |
| Tracker Coordinate System ||
2. iOS Development
Start developing on xCode using Swift. Refer to Requirements & Supports to find out which devices are supported.
ARSDK has to properly integrate on iOS UIViewController. Refer to Life Cycle documents for detail.
2.1 Create Instants
var trackingManager:MasTrackerManager = MasTrackerManager()
2.2 Start / Stop Tracker
trackingManager.isFusionSupported ()
This function checks whether or not your device supports Fusion.
Return value is bool type. If true, it supports the device in use. If it is false, it does not support the device.
trackingManager.getFusionTrackingState ()
Pass the tracking status of the current Fusion.
The return value is an int of -1, which means that tracking isn't working properly, and 1 means that it's working properly.
To start / stop the tracker after loading the map, refer to the following code.
func startEngine() {self.trackingManager.start(.TRACKER_TYPE_MARKER_FUSION) self.trackingManager.addTrackerData("{\"marker\":\"set_scale\",\"id\":\"0\", \"scale\":0.042}"); self.trackingManager.loadTrackerData() } @objc func resumeAR() { trackingManager.start(.TRACKER_TYPE_MARKER_FUSION) } @objc func pauseAR() { trackingManager.stopTracker() }
id is the unique number of the marker.
scale is the actual size of the marker.
You must enter the actual size of the target. If you do not enter the correct actual size, the content will not be augmented properly.
It must be run in the following order: startTracker (), addTrackerData (), loadTrackerData ().
2.3 Use Tracking Information
You can get marker information in 'MasTrackable'. Marker Number is setted function 'getId' in 'MasTrackable'.
func draw(in view: MTKView) { ... let trackingState:MasTrackingState = trackingManager.updateTrackingState() let result:MasTrackingResult = trackingState.getTrackingResult() let backgroundImage:MasTrackedImage = trackingState.getImage() var backgroundProjectionMatrix:matrix_float4x4 = cameraDevice.getBackgroundPlaneProjectionMatrix() let projectionMatrix:matrix_float4x4 = cameraDevice.getProjectionMatrix() if let cameraQuad = backgroundCameraQuad { cameraQuad.setProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix: backgroundProjectionMatrix) cameraQuad.draw(commandEncoder: commandEncoder, image: backgroundImage) } let trackingCount:Int32 = result.getCount() var recogMarkerID:String = "Recognized Marker ID : " if trackingCount > 0 { for i in stride(from: 0, to: trackingCount, by: 1) { let trackable:MasTrackable = result.getTrackable(i) let poseMatrix:matrix_float4x4 = trackable.getPose() recogMarkerID = recogMarkerID + trackable.getId() + ", " textureCube!.setProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix: projectionMatrix) textureCube!.setPoseMatrix(poseMatrix: poseMatrix) textureCube!.setTranslation(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: -0.05) textureCube!.setScale(x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.1) textureCube!.draw(commandEncoder: commandEncoder) } } ... }
2.4 Set Target Marker
Once you enter the target marker size (m) and call the addTrackerData, you can track the marker in real scale. Refer to the following code to set a target marker.
func startEngine() { ... self.trackingManager.start(.TRACKER_TYPE_MARKER_FUSION) self.trackingManager.setTrackingOption(.ENHANCED_TRACKING) self.trackingManager.addTrackerData("{\"marker\":\"scale\",\"all\":1.3, \"id0\" : 0.5, \"id1\" : 0.5, \"id3\" : 0.4, \"id10\" : 1.5}"); self.trackingManager.loadTrackerData() }
3. References
These are additional references to develop Marker Fusion Tracker
3.1 API Reference
Following documents explains classes and functions used to run Marker Fusion Tracker.
3.2 Sample
For information regarding sample build and run of Marker Tracker, refer to Sample